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Live updates: Trump hush money trial

Cohen admits he stole from Trump Organization

Michael Cohen admitted to stealing from the Trump Organization as a lawyer for former President Trump questioned him about only paying Red Finch $20,000 of the $30,000 Cohen had taken.

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Michael Cohen back on the stand

Lawyers for Trump resumed their cross-examination of Cohen. NBC News' Yasmin Vossoughian reports on the questioning Cohen is facing and how the judge has set summations for next week.

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Trial will extend into next week

Trump's criminal hush money trial will extend into next week, Vaughn Hillyard reports.

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Other witnesses could be called

The Trump criminal hush money trial will resume Monday morning for what could be the final day of testimony.

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This "History of Black History" series seeks to celebrate the audacity of Black people claiming their own narrative, dissect America’s affinity for revisionism and look toward the future of storytelling around race in America.

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